
Real Time Virtual Scribing

About Real Time Virtual Scribing

Real-time virtual scribes are trained professionals who assist healthcare providers in capturing and documenting medical encounters in real-time. They work remotely, usually from a location outside of the healthcare facility, and use secure, HIPAA-compliant software to access the provider’s electronic health record (EHR) system during an appointment.

Our in-house scribing platform provides a secure environment for physicians and patients to interact. Physicians can improve electronic health record-keeping with real-time virtual scribes using voice, chat, and video.

During the appointment, the virtual scribe listens in and documents the conversation as it takes place, adding relevant notes and medical terminology to the EHR. They capture the medical history, physical examination, and any other details related to the patient’s medical condition.

The main goal of real-time virtual scribes is to improve the accuracy and completeness of medical documentation while also allowing healthcare providers to focus on delivering high-quality care to their patients. By taking care of the documentation, virtual scribes can help providers stay on track during an appointment, reducing the risk of missing important information.


About Real Time Virtual Scribing

Real-time virtual scribes are responsible for capturing medical documentation in real-time during a patient encounter, whether it be in-person or through telehealth. They capture and document the medical history, physical examination, and any other details pertaining to the patient’s medical condition.

Real-time virtual scribes work remotely, usually from a location outside the healthcare facility. They use secure, HIPAA-compliant software to access the healthcare provider’s electronic health record (EHR) system during the appointment. The virtual scribe listens in and documents the conversation as it takes place, adding relevant notes and medical terminology to the EHR.

One of the main benefits of real-time virtual scribes is that they improve the quality and accuracy of medical documentation. They can capture important details that might otherwise be missed, and ensure that documentation is complete and accurate. They can also help healthcare providers stay on track during an appointment, reducing the risk of missing important information.

Another benefit of real-time virtual scribes is that they free up healthcare providers to focus on delivering high-quality care to their patients. By taking care of the documentation, virtual scribes allow providers to concentrate on diagnosing and treating patients without the distraction of having to document everything themselves.